Our Clients
Our Clients
In serving our clients, our primary goal is to provide excellent legal services in a professional, cost-effective and timely manner. We provide a broad range of legal services to a wide variety of clients. Because we are a full-service law firm, we offer our clients services that range from general, business and personal legal counseling to representation in litigation and alternative dispute resolution.
Our private clients are individuals, small businesses, large corporations, and those in between. We also represent governmental agencies and political subdivisions, including school districts, private and public corporations, and non-profit organizations. Representative client list shown below.
Bexar County
City of Dallas
City of San Antonio
Comal Independent School District
CPS Energy
Dallas County
Eagle Pass Independent School District
Edgewood Independent School District
Houston Metro
Nicholls State University
Office of Urban Redevelopment for the City of San Antonio
San Antonio Housing Authority
San Antonio Independent School District
San Diego Independent School District
San Marcos Independent School District
San Antonio Affordable Housing, Inc.
Texas Water Development Board
University of Louisiana System
University of New Orleans
Workforce Solutions Capital Area
Fintique, Inc.
Palindrome Records, Inc.
Toyota Motor Manufacturing, North America, Inc.
City of Dallas
City of Eagle Pass
San Antonio ISD
Southwest Texas Junior College District
Dallas County
Texas Water Development Board
Harris County Metro
Over 45 clients, including cities, counties, school districts, and junior colleges